[Bosshi] (Total Pack)

Note: This time I bring you the [Bosshi]( Total Pack ), A well-known artist with exceptional talent and delicious drawings. The pack contains all his works until today and all are English translated except for one ( Look inside for the content list )
-Separate chapters have also been included and With new releases it will be updated.
Updated (9/5/2012): [Bosshi] Osanana Chichi (English) & [Bosshi] Splash Splash Busters (English) added.

The pack contains (523.2MB):
-[Bosshi] Annoyance Next Door ( English )
-[Bosshi] Cell Phone Bitch (English)
-[Bosshi] Chu Chu Cherry c1-11 ( English )
-[Bosshi] Cute Club President ( English)
-[Bosshi] Gyu Gyu Girl (English)
-[Bosshi] Hard and Wet Saki Sensei ( English )
-[Bosshi] Iinari Kajitsu (Submissive Fruit) (English)
-[Bosshi] Medicine Trouble (English)
-[Bosshi] Mizugi no Sekai ( English )
-[Bosshi] Momo Chat (English)
-[Bosshi] Ojousama wa H ga Osuki (English) (Uncensored)
-[Bosshi] Ojousama Wa Mizugi ga Osuki (English, Uncensored)
-[Bosshi] Osanana Chichi (English) (added 9/5/2012)
-[Bosshi] Pai Satsu (English)
-[Bosshi] Paitan Soup (English)
-[Bosshi] Radical GOGO Baby! ( English )
-[Bosshi] Soon To Be A Brother (English)
-[Bosshi] Splash Splash Busters (added 9/5/2012)
-[Bosshi] Touch & Love ( English )
-[Bosshi] Uta-Hime (English)

http://htfl.net/hnYoDJYRo5fG.rar (Total_Pack).rar

http://depositfiles.com/a5wQIE1kkRNU.rar (Total_Pack).rar.html